Our Story
My Story Building My Online Business
My name is Hosam Jamjam, and I created this website in September 2022 after a long string of failures in online business creation. During the three years of experimenting and working on several online businesses, I had already experimented with and used tons of software, tools, and services.
That qualified me to review the business software and pick the right one based on every online business’s price and needs, and I thought I should share this experience online.
From here comes the idea of building this blog website. It was a long journey full of failed attempts to get to that point, but there is no success without failures.
In short, this is how I built this website.
I made a plan to follow after deciding to create a blog website, because I always make a plan when I want to do something, so that I know exactly what I’m doing, and can follow my progress by completing each step.
I also prefer that everything be well thought out and ready to go, and everything should be perfect. then I spend most of the time on branding, designing the site and logo, and creating the pages, and finally, I launch the site with three review posts on September 25, 2022.
Just stopping now will be sufficient. But I enjoy telling people about how I started this business from scratch and eventually did it all by myself.
So here’s how it went from the beginning:
Since I bought a smartphone, I have always believed that money can be obtained from the Internet. I was always trying to get through those sites that give cents for completing missions or watching ads.
They were just desperate attempts to get some cash; before I got to know how people make money online the right way, it was an online business.
I was wanting to get started, but I wasn’t able to do it because I was underage and also had no computer and no money.
But that didn’t stop me from learning some basics in different fields for this online business, and I continued like that until I reached the final year of high school, where I put everything away in order to focus on the final exam.
When I graduated from high school in July 2019, I decided to relocate to another city in order to pursue the major in which I am interested.
I packed my belongings and moved to the new city in September, despite the fact that I didn’t have much money at the time. I rent a tiny apartment with three other roommates.
At first, it was fun to live with friends, explore the city, and feel free with the new life. I was also so excited to study the major that I liked, so I could be on the way to reaching my dream.
That was the case for the first two months, until the money began to run out. I was waiting for the scholarship, but it’s been postponed, and I wasn’t able to work because of the class schedule.
However, I looked for a way to get money online, but all the ways required time and money, and I didn’t have a computer. I was just using my smartphone and the library’s wifi.
I also was very upset when I discovered that the major I thought would lead me to my dream was not as promising as I thought.
I find out I am just wasting my time in that place, and I have no money to pay rent. As a result, in December 2019, I devised a strategy for the coming year in order not to waste it.
So I decided to go back to my city, look for a job to raise money for the following year, and sign up for some programming and English courses to not waste my time. This was my plan, but it didn’t go as I wanted.
Returning home after disappointment and trying something new
After returning to my city, I spent almost a month looking for a job, but I didn’t find any. So I moved to another town, where I finally found one with a small salary, but I didn’t have any other choice.
I worked for this company until March 2020, when COVID-19 entered the country and quarantine was imposed. So we stop working, but only for a short time before returning to part-time work.
I took advantage of that free time to learn more about how to make money online. I found a video about Amazon’s KDP program and started working on it, but it was hard because my boss grumbled when he saw me using Wi-Fi to download courses and the tools and software that I need to start working on KDP.
So I spent weeks learning how to use Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, and I finally created my first three books and published them. But it didn’t work as I wanted; it was so slow without any result.
It took three months of work because I was working on KDP for just 12 hours a week to make it profitable, but I wasn’t getting much from it because Amazon takes 82% of the revenue, and after a short time it stops getting any sales.
I wasn’t happy with all that, but it was good for me because I learned a lot of skills in different majors like design, copywriting, and marketing.
I also learned about business and how it works and gained some experience. So in the end, it’s all worth it for me.
However, it was stressful for me, so in July 2020, I decided to quit the job and get back to my city to get ready for the next academic year at my previous university.
When I went back, I found out that I couldn’t get back to study at my previous university. I was frustrated and defeated at the time because I had not achieved anything from my plan.
So I just stayed with my parents with no goal; I wasn’t doing anything but playing video games and watching movies just to pass the time.
I stayed like that for four months, until I realized that I shouldn’t stay like this because I wouldn’t get anything out of it.
Changing everything and going in a different direction
As a result, in November 2020, I started learning about myself and what I really wanted to do in my life. I also didn’t give up on reaching my dream, which made me look for other ways to do so.
One of the most important things that helped me at that time was reading self-development books, biographies of successful people, and watching motivational videos.
Furthermore, my work experiences and what I learned from previous courses while working on KDP made things clear to me because, after that, I became aware of the next goal.
But the issue was that I had no idea what to do as a first step toward that goal. So I kept studying and learning about digital marketing, online business, and other business models.
I also tried different ways to make money online: I designed logos and thumbnails, designed websites, and created a website to watch movies. I even created mobile apps and games, but none of them worked as I wanted, and it made me feel like a failure again, but I didn’t stop.
Then, I found many videos that talked about eCommerce and the huge revenue that those sellers get from it, and it looked simple and easy to start.
I mean, just find a winning product, market it by making some ads on social media, and you will get sales. I became enthralled and decided to put this popular business model to the test.
Another attempt failed.
So I decided to take cash-on-delivery (COD) courses because I didn’t have enough money to sell internationally.
And I learned about paid ads and how to create and launch ad campaigns on Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok, and Google Adwords.
In addition to what I’ve learned about marketing and copywriting, that was enough for me to finally start my successful online business.
After all, it was time to apply what I had learned, so I searched for a good product and bought a few of them to test them, and I created an ad account and collected information and photos of the product, and I published the ad campaign.
I remember checking the sales and ad campaign every 10 minutes that day and waiting for the first sale.
The first day passed without any sales. I double-checked and changed some appointments to fix the problem, then I published it again, hoping to get sales.
However, after five days, the ad received a lot of views and clicks, but no one bought anything. I turned off the campaign because I didn’t know where the problem was.
I applied everything I learned from the courses and the videos, but it didn’t work for me. I had given up hope at that point, but I didn’t give up because I was sure that there was a problem with my way of doing things and also because I didn’t have any choice.
So I put everything aside once more and returned to reading books about business and the biographies of wealthy people. to understand the way they used to do things.
A good start ended with losing everything.
I began to recognize myself and realize how terrible I was. and I realized that the problems I was facing were caused by my way of doing things.
So I changed everything and developed my mindset, took things smoothly, and then made a plan to follow and focus on it again.
In short, it was to create an online business to collect the capital to invest in e-commerce, and it should be in the same business field as e-commerce. so I can develop my skills in marketing, sales, and copywriting.
So the best option for me was affiliate marketing because it can be started with a small budget or even with no money.
Though it was difficult to start and build with limited funds, it was part of my plan to never give up and make it work in any way possible because I was confident that there was profit in that business and that I would make it work.
I proposed the idea to two of my friends to work together, and it was a compelling idea for them at the beginning. So we got started working on it, and each one picked a niche and created their own website.
But after a few weeks, none of them continued to work on his website, and I stayed alone working on mine.
As an Amazon affiliate, I was promoting Amazon products on my website. It was then that things started to go well, and I worked like that until I woke up one day in June 2021 and found that my website had been hacked.
I got so upset when I saw all my six months of work get lost just like that, and I can’t get it back anymore because I didn’t protect my website, and I haven’t officially documented it. In addition, Amazon suspends me for an unknown reason.
Finally settling on one plan
At the time, I had enrolled in my city’s university and changed my previous major to economics and management in order to study how businesses operate and learn accounting and business administration.
So after I made a huge mistake and lost my website and my business, I stood up again, and I decided to build another website and take care of all the legal tasks and protection for it.
I also decided to change my niche and the products that I promote, while at the same time sharing the experience that I gained from everything I went through, tried, and learned.
That’s why I thought of setting up a site for articles and reviews. Furthermore, in my previous experiences, I discovered that choosing the right software, tools, and services is one of the most important aspects of developing an online business, especially if you have a small amount of capital to begin with, as I did.
That’s why I have been spending a lot of time searching for the best-quality software, tools, and services at a good price to use in my online business.
In my journey of creating various online businesses, I used tons of software and tools, including website builders, SEO, web hosting, email marketing, landing pages, CRM, and more. I gained a lot of experience choosing the right service based on price, need, and features.
And it is at this point that I decide to start a blog website where I can post detailed reviews and articles about the best business software, along with advice and simple guides for building an online business for beginners, to avoid my mistakes and get online and grow successfully.
As a result, I established TbfyReviewer, which I designed and built from the ground up, officially launching this blog website in September 2022.
How it’s going now
By the summer of 2022, I had a good experience at my previous job; I learned about different online businesses and tried them; I created a lot of websites; I had a good depth of knowledge in e-commerce; and I built my own affiliate business and made it work and be profitable.
All that gave me experience, a general vision of online business, and a good depth of knowledge about digital marketing. It was enough to make it useful for me and for every online business owner by turning it into this blog.
As you read this story, you will notice that whenever I do something and believe that something good has finally happened to me, there is almost always the word “but” at the end.
That taught me a great lesson, which is that failure and going down aren’t always that bad in the end. The non-killing strike inevitably increases your strength.
Failure is super normal; you should just stand up and continue, understanding that there’s no success without failure.
Sadly, I didn’t get this lesson so early; I was wanting everything I did to work on the first try, and if it didn’t, I simply switched to another one.
That was a mistake; if you want something to work, you should first choose the right one and the one you enjoy, and then focus on it by keeping trying and learning about it.
Currently, I work alone on this website, but I have a team behind me supporting me as I write articles and reviews of the business software and give it an overall review.
I’d like to take a moment to thank you for your presence.
If you’ve read this far, I sincerely appreciate your time and the relationships I build through this site.
I’m here for you as a friend and a resource to help you succeed in building your own online business.
However, I want to create a welcoming environment where new business owners can cooperate, offer support, and work more efficiently. Since we are all beginner online business owners, we must work together to support one another.
I appreciate your reading, and I hope that reading my story and our reviews will be beneficial to you.
Hossam Jamjama.
Our core value

The name “TbfyReviewer” is an abbreviation for “The Best For You Reviewer”. It’s a free blog; we do not sell any products, services, or courses; instead, we share our experience to help beginners make the best decision when selecting the right business software for their business.
And this is our core value:
Real research
We spend hours gathering all of the information about each piece of software, and then we spend even more time putting it all together in a way that makes sense to you.
Worth money & time
We only select the best software that is both cost-effective and appropriate for each type of business. We always try to find a solution that fits your budget and needs.
Real reviews
We check the service and give it our rating, including real user reviews, and other important information. The most important thing is that we don’t just give our opinion, but we also provide you with the evidence to back it up.
Expert advice
This means that we do not simply say a product is good or bad, but rather give you the information you need in order to make an informed decision.